
Posts Tagged ‘flowers’

Today was the first day in months that I didn’t have anything to do.  Nothing scheduled, no reading, no studying, and no homework.  The Boy had a puzzle thing scheduled, which meant that I also had the day to myself.  I’d originally planned to sleep in, but found myself awake at 9:30 for some reason.  (Although, in all fairness, given my recent schedule, 9:30 was sleeping in.)

Since I was up, I decided to head down to the Market and grab brunch.  While I was there, I also wanted to check out the flowers that were there to get an idea of what’s in season at the end of August.  I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I want to do for the wedding, but I wanted to see if they were in season to make sure they wouldn’t be stupidly expensive.  I figured it would also be a good opportunity to play with the 50 mm lens that I recently inherited from The Boy when he bought a new one.

Of course, as I was wandering around taking pictures with the Big Fancy camera, I was also grabbing snapshots with the little point & shoot I recently picked up to grab pictures of wedding things over the next several months (snapshots of the venue, pictures from trying on dresses, etc, etc).  I can’t even imagine how much of a nerd I must have looked like taking pictures with one camera while carrying around another.

On the plus side, it was a worthwhile trip.  Not only were the flowers I was thinking about plentiful and inexpensive, I also got some other ideas while I was there and a bunch of really great pictures with the Big & Fancy:

Pike Place Market (14 of 18)

Pike Place Market (8 of 18)

Pike Place Market (5 of 18)

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